Prof. O’Brien

Advanced biomaterials and 3D printing €1m NSF and SFI research grant

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RCSI professor named the joint recipient of €1m NSF and SFI research grant for 3D bioprinting. This will help healthcare research for patients and consumers 3D printing technology.
Advanced biomaterials and 3D printing will be harnessed to repair joint cartilage.
According to Prof. O’Brien, Prof. Seth Donohue from the University of Massachusetts, Prof. Helen McCarthy from QUB in Northern Ireland, “We are really pleased to have received this US-Ireland R&D Partnership grant. By partnering with leading international groups in Ireland and the United States, the team has the combined skill set to develop a transformative technology that moves beyond the state of the art which can thus have real clinical impact.”
This funding will support RCSI’s innovative research into bone repair and regeneration, using biomaterial scaffolds functionalized for gene delivery.