3d Printed Engagement Rings

Ideas into 3D printed reality

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Ideas into 3D printed reality

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3d Printed Engagement Rings

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3D printing is transforming how people shop for jewelry, specifically engagement rings. A Florida-based jeweler, Brilliance, is offering customers the opportunity to order 3D-printed mockups of calls they want to try before making a purchase. This innovative approach bridges the gap between online and in-store shopping experiences, allowing customers to feel and try on rings virtually. Although this method has some limitations, such as the difference in feel between a mockup and an actual call, it offers significant advantages for online jewelry shoppers, including a wider variety of options, better deals, and the ability to compare prices conveniently. Brilliance’s initiative is gaining popularity, with hundreds of 3D-printed rings being sent out each month, helping customers find their perfect ring size, experiment with different diamond shapes, and explore various carat sizes. This approach can potentially revolutionize how people buy jewelry, making online purchases more comfortable and convenient.

Source: 3d Printed Engagement Rings