photopolymer material

3D printing functional optical components.

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According to LUXeXcel the conventional 3D printing techniques,” we are not able to 3D print functional optics. These 3D printers may be able to 3D print transparent materials but fail to achieve optical properties such as surface roughness and scattering. LUXeXcel, a company based in The Netherlands has developed print optical technology that can 3D print fully transparent, smooth, and optically functional optical components such as lenses.
LUXeXcel uses a photopolymer material for 3D printing. LUXeXcel created the world’s first 3D printed reading glasses including the frames and the lenses for the Dutch Monarchs. However, their services are not limited to royalty but available to the general public as well. LUXeXcel’s website allows users to upload designs and order 3D printed optics. The design can be uploaded in a variety of file formats and has to conform to their design guidelines.  They promise to 3D print a design within 5 working days of placing the order. The print optical technology has used in automotive, medical, lighting, aerospace, and other industries.¨
