3D Printing Nerd

Nexa’s resin 3D Printing

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According to 3D Printing Nerd, “We stop by the Dynamism booth at CES this year, and they showed us the NEXA3D resin 3d printer. It prints at ONE LAYER PER SECOND. That’s nuts! It’s that fast, and the quality is perfect.”

From comments,

Uncle Jessy
3 days ago
Okay… now I love big resin 3D printers… now that is one BIG FAST Resin printer! Love how this tech keeps getting better and better!

Amazing tech, I’ll stick to (ha-ha) “traditional” resin printers for now, but the future of 3d printing looks exciting.
Can confirm it does print this fast. Joel, I waived at you at the airport coming back from Formnext (we were on same flight back), I was actually there as part of the Nexa3D team 😄. Cool to see you do a demo on our awesome machine.
Is this patented like Carbon3d or can this actually get out on the market in a meaningful way?
Oh there was a Kickstarter from Nexa3D a few years back, the NX1 for like $1500, then some patent complications messed it up. Obviously this was way too affordable, so the owner had to make a machine 40x as expensive to milk this tit for a few years before they release anything to the typical consumer. And some people think patents are helping innovation. kickstarter.com/projects/nx1/nx1-the-first-fast-3d-printer
When will CLIP printing be a consumer thing? I think he misspoke when he said more viscous resin flows better.
Resin printers are awesome but the resin is expensive, it’s not so eco-friendly and can be dangerous. It’s an amazing improvement but I don’t think the next production generation will use this kind of machines.
So cool! Thanks for sharing Joel. I had a feeling that was going to be in the tens of thousands of dollars range. Still neat to see what is possible. Maybe in 5-10 years something like that will be at a price most makers can afford. I’ve looked into getting some of my inventions injection molded, and in some cases just the mold making cost is higher than this whole machine. So it is probably useful to a lot of small businesses if they are thinking about doing low run injection molded parts.
That machine could make 10,000 small items per day. Within 100 days the price per part for the machine would be 6 cents. It would be more about the price of the resin. Yet this could be used for parts not easily injection molded.
That’s really amazing !!! For me, the biggest obstacle to the popularization of 3D printing is the printing time and the cost. The cost has greatly reduced in recent months, including for resin printers, but speed remained a concern, without having an abominable level of finish. This machine is just … wow. It only needs to divide its price by 10 and we will be good. Sorry for by bad English, i’m french. Thanks Joël.
60k is VERY reasonable for this, even if all you print is D&D miniatures (assuming you’re selling them as a business venture). This machine at those speeds could replace an entire farm of printers and be run by a single operator. To put into perspective, this machine costs less than 2 fleet vehicles. I wonder what the washing and curing station costs.
1z centimeter per minute = 1 layer of 1/60 centimeter per second+