3d Printed Engagement Rings

3D Printed engagement rings.

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Jewelers are 3D printing jewelry for customers to try. Brilliance states, “A Florida-based jeweler is letting customers order online 3D printed mockups of rings they want to try. A customer can get a better feel for a ring before buying it. Jewelry is typically expensive, delicate, and used for very sensitive occasions. This is why people hesitate to buy them online. Have you seen a picture of a hamburger in an online ad, and it looks fantastic? But when you buy it, it turns out to be tiny and not so tasty. You don’t want that to happen with jewelry, particularly engagement rings. The Brilliance makes online buying of engagement rings closer to an in-store experience by letting customers feel the rings and even try them on using a 3D-printed mockup. People should be more comfortable buying an engagement ring online if they can hold and try at least a 3D-printed mockup, if not the original. However, this approach isn’t without shortcomings. For example, the feel of an actual ring may be different from that of a mockup. You are a step closer to the real thing but not quite there. Also, this approach doesn’t work for someone who wants to keep the engagement ring a surprise. But buying from a store doesn’t solve this problem either. Buying online has its advantages. You can look at a wider variety of jewelry online than in a store. You also get better deals. You can compare prices. All from your laptop. This is why Brilliance is sending out between 100 and 250 3D-printed rings a month. They allow customers to try rings in different sizes to allow them to find their correct ring size, try different diamond shapes, and try different carat sizes. If a customer has a 3D printer, they send the files needed to 3D print the rings. Or else they 3D print the rings and send the 3D printed mockup to the customer. Brilliance’s approach will make many more customers consider buying engagement rings online. It could revolutionize the way people buy jewelry.¨

3D Printed Rings.