3D bio-printed scaffolds to help regenerate damaged peripheral nervous systems

3D bio-printed scaffolds to help regenerate damaged peripheral nervous systems

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According to The Universities spokesperson Liqun Ning and Daniel Chena, they are the postdoctoral fellow in the Tissue Engineering Research Group at the University of Saskatchewan,” They spent the last few years investigating how 3D bio-printing can be used to help with nerve cell regeneration. His solution involves combining engineering and biomedicine in order to create scaffolds that can guide the growth of nerve cells across large damaged areas.

The background is actually mechanical engineering, but tissue engineering is the combination of engineering and biomedicine together. The very beginning of their PhD study, they use their knowledge, background and provide techniques to help people in the biomedical area. The peripheral nervous system, which controls the body beyond the brain and the spinal cord, can be damaged by poor diet, toxins, and trauma. It can also be damaged by diseases such as diabetes, which affects about 422 million people worldwide, and 3.4 million people in Canada”.



