wearable technologies

Flexible circuits for 3D printing

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According to Tomke Glier of the University of Hamburg Scientific Reports,” the University of Hamburg and DESY has developed a 3D printing-capable process that can be used to produce transparent and mechanically flexible electronic circuits. The electronics consist of a network of silver nanowires that can be printed in a suspension and embedded in various flexible and transparent plastics (polymers). This technology can enable many new applications such as printable light-emitting diodes, solar cells or tools with integrated circuits. The researchers demonstrate the potential of their process with, among other things, a flexible capacitor.
This technology can enable new applications such as printable light-emitting diodes, solar cells or tools with the integrated circuit”.



3D Printed soft, stretchy fabric-based sensors for wearable

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3D Printed soft and stretchy wearable, can be so useful in fashion, medical industry.:)


Researchers develop soft, stretchy fabric-based sensors for wearables A team of researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and the Harvard John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) at Harvard University has created a highly sensitive soft capacitive sensor made of silicone and fabric that moves. Read more. Stratasys […]

via Researchers develop soft, stretchy fabric-based sensors for wearables — world of chemicals