“Choosing the Optimal Additive Manufacturing Filament for Your 3D Printing Needs”

Sea Turtle thrives with 3D-Printed shell piece Years after procedure

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In collaboration with the University of California, San Diego’s Digital Media Lab, the Birch Aquarium created a 3D-printed brace shell for the turtle. The brace was designed to support and stabilize the turtle’s damaged shell, which had a hole causing curvature in its spine. By providing structural support to the turtle’s shell, the brace aimed to aid in healing and improve its overall health.

Over several years, with the assistance of the 3D-printed brace, the turtle’s health gradually improved. The brace helped to repair and strengthen its damaged shell, allowing the turtle to move more freely and reducing the strain on its spine. The ongoing care and support provided by the Birch Aquarium, along with the innovative use of 3D printing technology, contributed to the sea turtle’s successful recovery.

Sea Turtle with 3D-Printed Shell Piece Continues to Thrive Years After Innovative Procedure.

Merit3D secures largest 3D Print parts for adhesives technology

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3D printing offers greater flexibility and agility than traditional manufacturing methods like injection molding. It allows for rapid prototyping and production of parts without the need for expensive and time-consuming tooling. This means that Adhesives Technology could quickly produce the hangers they needed without waiting for new injection molding tools to be created, reducing their downtime and enabling them to fulfill their orders.

The cost implications play a significant role. Recreating a complex multi-cavity mold, such as the one used for Adhesives Technology’s hangers, can cost hundreds of thousands. 3D printing can be more cost-effective for small production runs or when the complexity of the design requires frequent changes or customization. By utilizing 3D printing as a temporary solution, Adhesives Technology could bridge the production gap without incurring the high costs of recreating the injection molding tool.

3D printing can be a valuable short-term solution; there may be considerations for long-term production. Factors such as material properties, volume requirements, and production efficiency could still favor injection molding once the stability of the supply chain or reshoring is achieved.

by Carolyn Schwaar
At 1 Million Parts, Merit3D to Deliver the Largest 3D Print Order Ever.